We help brands sell wherever people shop
Field Marketing is about services physically performed by PEOPLE. We are able to recruit and develop the right people mix to ensure the best results for your brand.
Proper care of goods. Its role is to ensure that goods are in the right place at the right time and at the right price.
Within the distribution of a brand / merchandise we can create a personalized plan and execute it with our internal team of merchandisers.


We have been cooperating with Red Bull on the Czech market since April 2018. Our team is taking care of 340 Red Bull brand lovers on the market. We are fully responsible for the exhibition of centrally agreed promotions including installation and at the same time we try to take care of local activities such as “custom agreements” and sales support.

We have been cooperating with P&G since 2020. Altogether our teams in the Czech and Slovak Republic have 234 excited employees who work hard and know what to do. We are responsible for the exhibition of centrally agreed promotions and we also have space for local activities and sales support.

We have been cooperating with Nestle since 2005 and we perform several activities for our client. Merchandising is the main activity. Full-time merchandisers operate across Slovakia in the Confectionery & Grocery division. Our merchandisers provide comprehensive care of the merchandise, they monitor the inventory, install POS materials and communicate all the necessary information to our partner.

Sales Outsourcing
We will find and build a custom business team according to your current needs. We will manage and operate the team and guarantee the quality of its work. We will also set up billing for the entire business unit on a monthly basis.
Sales Outsourcing
We will find and build a custom business team according to your current needs. We will manage and operate the team and guarantee the quality of its work. We will also set up billing for the entire business unit on a monthly basis.


With our partner we started working on shared sales support where our sales reps visit stores that are not serviced and they solve all the problems that hinder sales. At the same time the whole team is participating in the fulfilment of plans and ordering goods.

Since 2018, we have been providing a team of sales representatives and trainers with the focus on TV, DI, MDR and the mobile phones segment on the Czech and Slovak markets. Our team is fully responsible for the exhibition of Sony merchandise, installation of POS materials, monitoring of inventory and training employees in stores specialized in the sale of electronics.

As part of our assistance with meeting business goals, we provide the installation of POS materials depending on the requirements of our partner and a regular inspection to check whether agreed terms and conditions with their customers are being followed (POG, listing, prices and audits of ongoing campaigns)

Měříme značky, produkty, ale i obchodní týmy. Z auditu vždy dodáme kvalitní a spolehlivá data. Můžeme změřit obchodní tým, umíme s lidmi strávit čas a vyhodnotit je.
- audit sales pozic značky (vizibilita, distribuce)
- audit zaměstnance (časový snímek)

We monitor brands, merchandise and business teams. We always deliver reliable data from audits. We can monitor business teams, spend time with people and evaluate them.
- audit of sales positions of brands (visibility, distribution)
- audit of employees (time snap)


Our auditors visit selected locations and establishments across the Czech and Slovak Republic and they carry out service visits for our partner CHEP – blue pallets provider. They introduce the mechanics of their system – different from other EUR pallets – and they inform CHEP about anything relevant they find out about the location.

For Budvar Budějovice we provided the services of mystery shopping - Perfekt serve on almost 400 establishments across the Czech Republic. We were monitoring beer tapping, the temperature, and POS materials.

For Roamler, we have been providing several kinds of mystery shopping, on-shelf availability of projects or testing products across the whole market for a very long time. Within this cooperation we performed a huge audit for 500 stores across the Czech Republic. In one month, we identified the OSA (On-Shelf Availability) for selected products in four categories of necessities and pet food.

Warehouse & Logistics
We will arrange the delivery of merchandise wherever and whenever you need it. We will store promo material for upcoming events for a shorter or longer period of time.
- POS – production, storing and distribution
- Distribution (launch, outpatient sales, targeted distribution)


We have been cooperating with Jan Becher in the area of merchandising since 2016 with a team of 106 merchandisers. Our cooperation has expanded over the years to include distribution and installation of POS materials for hypermarkets and supermarkets on the Czech market.

We have been cooperating with JTI for more than 10 years. We carry out warehousing and distribution of POS materials to our regional warehouses. If needed, we can distribute directly to sales representatives.

For Sony, we provide warehousing of POS materials and their distribution to stores across the Czech and Slovak Republic. We can distribute necessary POS materials across the Slovak and Czech Republic within 48 hours after the request is entered.

Sales Academy
Our trainers have real experience from practice and prepare customized educational courses. They train not only merchandisers and promoters but also entire business teams.
Sales Academy
Our trainers have real experience from practice and prepare customized educational courses. They train not only merchandisers and promoters but also entire business teams.


With the P&G team, we organize quarterly courses. Our offline meetings are not only about business, but we also develop soft skills.

We always train our sales team upon the arrival of a new product.

At the launch of the exclusive merchandiser project for Nestlé, we prepared a joint kick-off meeting where the entire team met in person - from merchandisers, to sales managers, to the owners of our agency. This is also why our team is loyal and stable in the long term.

Sales House stands on a solid base, which is formed by our people with long-term experience in downline communication.
Seeing once is more than hearing a thousand times.